The natural acquisition of a language in children is based on listening to the same language, or two languages in the case of a bilingual, over a long period of time. Children will then move on to the active production of language, having accumulated an adequate repertoire of vocabulary and typical grammatical structures.
As an adult learning a new language, you will need to learn basic grammatical structures and vocabulary. The earlier this repertoire is put into practice, however, the faster you will speak. As a matter of fact, polyglots across the globe nowadays rely on an approach that draws largely on listening to material in the target language over an extended period of 4 to 6 months. This period is followed by active production of the language, in other words: speaking. At this point, it is vital that the listening process is not disrupted.
Participation in class, therefore, is essential to the inevitable transition from passive learning to active learning. The more you participate in class, by replying to questions, posing questions and generally using the language, the faster you will be accustomed to the sounds, grammatical structures and vocabulary that are characteristic of the language you are learning.